Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Month 3


This has been a VERY quick month!  We have had lots going on.  You are getting so big and so fun.  You weigh over 12 and half pounds and last week measured 25 inches.  You smile all of the time and only cry when you are hungry or too tired.  You LOVE taking baths and your dad just taught you how to kick your legs so you splash water everywhere.  Recently, you have been sleeping for about 6 hours during the night which has been WONDERFUL.  My birthday was last Friday and you gave me an awesome gift of your own by sleeping 8 hours that night!  It was amazing.  Your dad and I actually had to wait for you to wake up in the morning which NEVER happens :).

You like watching TV, especially football and you get upset when a game gets paused while you're watching.  You have been pretty good at going to bed each night at 11:00 and can put yourself to sleep now.  This is a habit that I love because you are getting too heavy to walk around with for hours.  You entertain yourself now so I am getting a lot more accomplished during the day.  You still love to be held but can handle it when we have to put you down.  You have started cooing and making all kinds of wonderful baby noises and in the mornings you and I have long conversations.  You move ALL the time.  The only time you are still is when you are sleeping...I think that we might have our hands very full when you start crawling and walking! 

You were blessed September 18th and we were so lucky to have so many family members and friends there for your special day.  Dad was a little worried that you might be fussy but you were a champ and stayed quite throughout the whole meeting! 

We are so lucky to have you and love you so much.  You are the light of our life.

 Four Generations: Very Cool

 I love this blessing outfit

 First time sleeping a straight 8 hours during 
the night!

 Check out the awesome Birthday Cake BJ made
and decorated for my birthday!

 3 Months old today
 and getting so big!


  1. He is getting so big so fast! I can't believe it has already been three months!

  2. I can't believe it has already been three months, and that I have only seen him ONE time! He is so cute! And your hair is getting so long and pretty Sue! And.. I guess I'll include something about BJ too :) That cake is so cute, and so cute of him to make AND decorate it for you!!
